Campus Latam forms a network geared towards offering solutions in distance education in Latin America. Composed by educational institutions and service nodes for the students, this network is strengthened with the use of technological training tools.
Campus Latam’s main objective is to allow more institutions to impart distance education and more people to have access to training of excellence.
Campus Latam’s track record has been built up in the experience of institutions and organizations linked to distance education, with a successful present in the implementation of this type of learning.
Based in Argentina, Campus Latam is expanding its services throughout Latin America, where a rapid evolution in distance education is expected for the coming years.
Pascal University Foundation |
Pascal University Foundation originated in an educational project in 1980, which promoted the development of the first official further education institute with a technological profile in the interior of Argentina.
Ten years after that, it promoted the development of Blas Pascal University, with an initial offering of 12 classroom-learning graduate courses.
During the last years of the 90s, authorities and research teams of the institution devised an educational plan of 5 distance-learning graduate courses, which has been working since the 2000 academic year.
At present, Blas Pascal University has more than 10,000 students distributed in 22 careers, 7 postgraduate courses and many programs of continuing education and extension in both types of learning.
In 2007 Pascal University Foundation started a process of research of the needs related to distance learning in educational institutions and companies in Latin America. In 2008 it decided to integrate its track record and knowledge in the Campus Latam Project
Digital Community
Digital Community started its activities by the end of 2002, when the first distance education franchise project in Argentina was presented.
At present, it has a network of 85 franchisees distributed all over Argentina, which offer educational products of different levels and technological services to more than 8,000 students.
Digital Community was number one in the Argentine ranking of education franchises during the 2007/ 2008 period and is currently considered to be one the 45 most attractive franchises in the country.
In order to expand its experience to the Latin American market, Digital Community has integrated the Campus Latam Project since 2008.
Tupac is an e-learning, communication and self-management platform conceived for the integral management of distance education.
Its development consolidates the experience of the Campus Latam members in a tool which goes beyond the traditional limits of the LMS (learning management system).
At present Tupac is being used by the Telecommunications International Union and by other companies and institutions all over the world.
This platform integrates the range of services and solutions offered by Campus Latam in Latin America.
Consultantship and Advise on Distant Education.
This service is offered in the following stages:
Diagnosis: It is a process aimed at determining the needs of the Institution or Company and propose a solution model of Distance Education. At this stage, an objective, a work plan, a budget and the implementation time are established. This means that, after the diagnosis, an institution or company will be able to know exactly what they must do, how to do it and how long and how much money they will have to invest on it. The diagnosis has a uniform cost for any client in Latin America.
Application: The solution proposed in the previous stage is applied by means of joint actions between CAMPUS Latam and the client institution or company. The application involves costs and implementation time which vary according to the type of solution.
Appraisal: This is a process for measuring the indicators which allow to determine the state of the solution, once a certain period of time has elapsed since its implementation.
The appraisal has no cost for the client institution or company and it is carried out in order to determine the correct application of the distance education solution.
Supports: The information collected in the previous stage allows to determine the need for adjustments or corrections in the model being applied or the intervening participants. In this respect, the clients receive consulting support on specific topics which complement the solution originally applied.
The diagnosis stage has several sub-stages:
- Meetings with the clients to explain to them what the EaD is, its scopes, its potentiality and to provide them with samples of application.
- After the client has understood the possibilities, we jointly establish the objectives to be achieved in the short, medium and long term in the institution or company.
- Based on the agreed upon objectives, the steps to take in order to achieve them are established, as well as the time it will take and the necessary investment.
- The Institution or company is given a report with the corresponding details.
The application stage may involve, according to the type of solution specified in the above point:
- Training.
- Advise.
- Content production.
- Academic management.
- Administrative management.
- Academic transference.
- Technology transference.
- Management transference.
Technological Platform for Distributed Education
Distributed Education:
Set of academic, management and support processes executed in a distributed manner.
It includes the non-classroom (distance) and classroom types of learning, allowing the integration of these.
This tool is geared towards:
- Educational Institutions which provide training in all levels.
- Companies
- Consultant agencies
- Government agencies.
The institutions or companies which need to distribute contents and manage processes of Distributed or Centralized Education, in the classroom and non-classroom (distance) types.
The solutions offered are:
In this solution, the clients obtain a license to use the platform, personalised and adapted to their organizations, which will be installed in their own servers or the servers hired by them, with the option of having a help desk for the users and a technical support service for their own technological area.
Platform service:
In this solution, the clients hire an access service to the platform, which is personalised and adapted to their organizations, for a specific use or for annual periods. The platform will be installed and administered by Campus Latam in their own servers, with the option of having a help desk for the users.
This platform allows:
- To manage and distribute multimedia content applicable to the Distributed Education and Training.
- To implement an academic environment of cooperation.
- To evaluate the knowledge imparted.
- To manage administratively and academically a model of Distributed Education by integrating the different types of the teaching-learning process (classroom and non-classroom).
- To allow communication among all the participants of the teaching-learning process and the management and support processes.
- To integrate the distance and classroom education models in just one management tool, communication and e-learning.
The implementation of the PLATFORM SERVICE is carried out through:
- Analysis of requirements (diagnosis): This step, prior to the implementation of the tool, aims at identifying the needs of the clients and deciding whether the platform can meet them.
- Initial adaptation: If it does, the initial adaptations required by the clients are made (if necessary).
- Installation: The platform is installed in servers administered by Campus Latam.
- Configuration: The parameter adjustments are made according to the client requirements and the information gathered during the analysis stage.
- Support: The help desk (user support) working mechanisms are established.
- Maintenance and improvements: Mechanisms are established for the implementation of adaptations, improvements and updates.
Distant Education Network and Franchise
This service is geared towards:
- Educational Institutions which whish to expand their Distance Education proposal.
- Independent and ambitious entrepreneurs who wish to be part of an educational franchise undertaking.
This proposal allows:
- To develop distance education networks with the format of a commercial franchise.
- To obtain the representation for an educational franchise in Latin America.
- To evolve into the model of Franchisor Master.
This proposal involves the following stages:
- Qualification:
Preliminary study to determine the profile of the prospective client according to the local business concern. Educational Institutions, Companies, Consultant Agencies and individual entrepreneurs can apply.
- Franchise: The simple Franchise means the incorporation of a Latin American node to the CAMPUS LATAM NETWORK, with a specific educational offering.
- Franchise Master: The simple franchise or the prospective client can apply from the very beginning for Franchise Master, i.e. to be in charge of creating a local network in their country of origin.
- Local Franchises: From the previous stage onwards, the Franchisor Masters will be able to incorporate local nodes in their own countries.
Generation of Contents for Distant Education
This service is geared towards:
- Educational Institutions with a system of Distance Education already operating.
- Companies with remote branches and a training plan already operating.
- Training consultant agencies.
- Latin American government agencies with a training plan already operating.
This service allows:
- To develop specific contents for Distant Education or distributed training.
- To transform contents of traditional education to be imparted in the distance type of learning.
This service is offered according to the following variables:
Proprietary Contents:
Based on the needs of the client institution or company, specific contents are established to be developed by CAMPUS Latam according to their reference theme areas.
Third Party Contents:
Similar to the generation of proprietary contents, but, in this case, outside the scope of CAMPUS Latam’s traditional theme areas, for which a specific content search is conducted in Latin America.
Content Adaptation:
This consists in taking the pre-existing contents in the client institution or company and adapt them to be used in Distance Education and e-learning platforms.
As a complement to the generation of contents, CAMPUS Latam also provides tutors and train client company tutors in Distance Education.
Representation of Distant Education Offering.
This service is geared towards:
- Educational Institutions which whish to expand their Distance Education proposal.
- Franchises, Franchise Master and Local Franchises.
This service allows:
To increase the number and variety of the educational offering available in the different Latin American countries.
This service can be understood in terms of:
- Importation: It means to incorporate educational offerings coming from the rest of the world, which may be of interest to the strategic partners in LATAM.
- Exportation: On the contrary, it means to export LATAM´s strategic partners´ educational offering to the rest of the world.
- Development: Search and adaptation of specific contents which may be of interest to LATAM´ s strategic partners.
- Alliances: Development of strategic alliances with LATAM´s Educational Institutions for the joint creation of certain strategic educational contents.